Free Watch Majunu (2001) Streaming Online uTorrent 1080p Movies Without Downloading Movies uTorrent Blu-ray Without Downloading Streaming Online
Movie Point
Title: Free Watch Majunu (2001) Streaming Online uTorrent 1080p Movies Without Downloading- Released: 2001-12-14
- Genre: Action, Romance, Drama
- Date: 2001-12-14
- Runtime: 172 Minutes
- Company: Cee TV Entertainment
- Language: தமிழ்
- Budget: -
- Revenue: -
- Plot Keyword : Action, Romance, Drama
- Homepage:
- Trailer: View Trailer
- Director: B. Lenin, Harris Jayaraj, Raju Sundaram, Priyan, V. T. Vijayan, Balakumaran, Sunanda Murali Manohar, Ravichandran, Ravichandran, Ravichandran
Storyline Free Watch Majunu (2001) Streaming Online uTorrent 1080p Movies Without Downloading (2001):
Vasanth (Prashanth) is a son of a wealthy MP Gajapathy (Raghuvaran) who hates love and against love marriage. Vasanth lives a fun-filled enjoyable life until he meets a girl (Rinke Khanna) while rushing to save a baby who is about to fall in a railway track while the girl also rushed for the same reason. He develops an attraction for that girl and again meets her in his college and knows her name to be Heena a Tamil speaking Bengali girl. Meanwhile, a trap is set for MP Gajapathy to kill him by explosion in a public gathering. Heena who is on an education trip to Chennai searches for some books in a book shop. Since the book is not available that day she has to come again to the shop and while leaving the shop some sound comes from her bag which she funnily mentions it to be a bomb which on explosion will destroy 20 km. The shop-keeper laughs on her fun. But the sound is actually the sound of watch alarm which she kept it inside.Casts of Free Watch Majunu (2001) Streaming Online uTorrent 1080p Movies Without Downloading:
Prashanth Thyagarajan, Rinke Khanna, Raghuvaran, Sonu Sood, Vivek, Rati AgnihotriRead More Over Free Watch Majunu (2001) Streaming Online uTorrent 1080p Movies Without Downloading
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